- sexual preoccupation and excitement with non-living objects, which take central importance in achieving orgasm
- • to be regarded as deviant, fetishism must be essential for orgasm, and causing problems
- sexual pleasure and gratification is derived from exposure of the genitals to a person of the opposite sex
- predominantly male, aged 15-25
- the victim is usually female, and there is often an intention to surprise, shock, or insult – a reaction in the victim heightens the excitement in the perpetrator
- the victim is usually unknown
- often compulsive in nature
- often passive, inadequate men with problems in relationships and low self-esteem
- may show personality disorder of asthenic or inadequate type
• no sexual contact is attempted, though masturbation may occur during or after
• the voyeur often has fantasies of humiliating or embarrassing the victims with the knowledge that they have been observed
• the victim is usually unaware
- where the child is an older girl (over 12), the offender is often a young male but is unlikely to be consistently deviant or psychiatrically ill
- for younger children, the adult is likely to be substantially older and more likely to show psychiatric illness such as:
mental handicap
mental handicap
- sexual arousal in response to the infliction of pain, psychological humiliation or ritualized dominance or submission
- sadomasochistic fantasies occur during intercourse or masturbation in both sexes, often in stable relationships
- more common in homosexuals
Polymorphously perverse
- multiple disorders of sexual preference
Other disorders of sexual preference
- obscene telephone calls
- frotteurism
- bestiality:
- low intellect
- restricted social outlets
- access to animals
- anoxophila
- necrophilia
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